Chaos, clutter and no clue where to start. These are keywords that every bride knows not only of the wedding preparations, but also afterwards. Because then countless wedding photos are piled up and it becomes clear: the spread of digital cameras is both, curse and blessing. Alone from the photographer several hundred wedding photos are now on the PC and then are still the of Aunt Erna, Uncle Alfie and the friends…
A very handy and at the same time beautiful remedy can create a photo book. We have fought for you through the current offer in order to filter out exactly the requirements that match your requirements for wedding photos.
For much time
Perhaps you have one or other day of your honeymoon. Or take a weekend for sorting your wedding photos. In this case the Pixum software is highly recommended. Even if it takes some time to become acquainted with the many functions and subtleties, thanks to the fast photoupload and the many layout and design proposals will be worth the effort!